
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here's to Better Days Ahead in 2015

I'm feeling disappointed in the people today so I'm not really inspired to say much about the year that is slipping away tonight. I'm a bit tired of wishing wishes, praying prayers and dreaming dreams that don't seem to manifest for me. But that is today, and mostly because my feelings are hurt and I'm feeling lousy. Tomorrow will be better I am sure. I will say that my wish for everyone in 2015 is a year filled with healing, joy, love and peace.

May this New Year be a blessed year for all. Godspeed you on your journey throughout 2015!


  1. (((Linda))) love your 3 graces (clink! sound of coffee cup at 2am to computer screen) a toast to lots of love , wonderment and magic in 2015!

    1. Thank you Dearest Mo Crow. Hugs to you and I toast you back with warm lemon water this first morning of 2015.
