
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Weaving with Cattails

Don collected some cattails the other day when we were kayaking. He thought I might enjoy weaving with them but truth be told I found it a bit tedious and frustrating. Probably because I had no idea what I was doing and I am still operating under this cloud of fatigue. I did it though, mostly to please him since he was so thoughtful to collect them for me. Having woven my first basket I can say with all confidence that basket weavers need not fear my talents in this area LOL. 


  1. What a sweet hubby and your first basket is divine ~ very creative ~ Happy Day to you!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. I used to weave funny little baskets from yucca that I would collect when we camped in the desert. There was something immensely satisfying about them, even though they were completely wobbly and inept. Your baskets look great, I think. It will probably warp a bit as it dries, It will be fun to see what happens.

    1. Thanks Linda, I normally love wonky things, much more than "finely crafted" things. Not sure why I was in such a funk over this basket today. I like your thought of it warping as it dries, it will be fun to watch. I think I will have another go at the reeds when I am in better spirits. Part of the problem might have been that I think I am allergic to them. I seemed to be having a reaction similar to that of cut grass so the process of handling them may have actually been making me feel worse.

  3. Beautiful post, gorgeous basket so tenderly made xx

    1. Thank you Marilyn. It will always carry the memory of Don in the kayak harvesting the reeds for me.

  4. OMG Linda, this is beautiful! You are way too modest! xo

    1. Aww thanks Janis, you are seeing it filtered through the eyes of a friend <3
