
Friday, August 15, 2014

Snatam Kaur and Ajeet Kaur in Concert

I feel totally blessed after going to see Snatam Kaur and Ajeet Kaur at a benefit concert at the UCC church in Keene, NH. I even got to meet Ajeet's Dad, Christian author, Thomas Moore, whose writing I have adored for decades. The night was filled with ecstatic praise, chanting, singing, dancing and praising God. It left both Don and I feeling abundantly blessed. 

At the end of the evening right before we left I met Ramdesh Kaur. I have been a huge fan of her Spirit Voyage Podcast for ages and it was a huge blessing to meet her. She was incredibly generous and loving and shared some powerful healing information with me as she has some knowledge of chronic Lyme and other chronic health challenges that have been healed through yoga and the sacred sound current.  

The concert was a benefit to raise money for a children's home in India called Ramana's Garden  It was also a CD release party for both Snatam and Ajeet. Ajeet's new album is called At the Temple Door and Snatam's is called, Light of the Naam: Morning Chants

Randesh Kaur and I at the end of the evening. I think it was nearly midnight when this was taken and I was exhausted and in a fair amount of pain but I was so blissed-out to be in this space so filled with love and worship with people from all faiths and walks of life. Ramdash Kaur is a brilliantly loving and compassionate soul and I feel so blessed to have spent some time chatting with her.

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