
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tiny Woven Beast

I am seeing a physical therapist for some shoulder pain and problems with a tendon in my arm that occurred from all this weaving I have been doing. I have taken a bit of a break to rest it and am doing stretches that are helping, but today I couldn't resist doing some weaving. Luckily Jude Hill is talking about tiny weave now in her What if Diaries on Considering Weave so I kept my weaving tiny and did my stretches. All in all my arm ached only slightly.  

So here is a tiny woven beast. I should have thought to take photos of it in progress, alas I forgot. I cut a rectangle out of the denim then folded back and basted the edges. I ran my warp threads vertically in the cut out hole and wove the weft horizontally stitching it into the denim on each end. The beast was woven in but the raven was stitched on top of the weave afterwards. 


  1. this is FINE!, Great!, Elegant! Magic!.... i love the little beast, so purposefully going along, the raven watches from
    over head...
    this makes me SMILE and feel very very this moment, i am this little beast

    1. You gave me a great big smile and a happy heart with your exuberant praise of my little beastie. Thank you <3

  2. Hi, Linda. Beautiful results. I love how the woven section integrates into the cloth. So many possibilities for this. Hope your arm lets you do more. I'll be interested in seeing where you take this.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes concerning the arm! I was excited about the way the wing spilled over onto the cloth as well and the creative wheels are turning now. ;-) I stopped by your blog and became a "Follower". Your work is lovely.

  3. This is great. I love the beast, but in particular, I'm enchanted with the sky and earth. They have such movement to them. Best wishes with the shoulder. I have a chronic pain in my left from moving furniture, but weaving exacerbates it. This morning I'm noting, also that my shoulders are tight from winding a warp yesterday. Oh, what we do for our art! :)

    1. Thanks Linda, tis true that we suffer for our art LOL.

  4. I really like the thought that you can stitch on top of the weaving. After all weaving is about making cloth isn't it. The wing crossing over makes that idea clearer to me. (a bit of a duh moment!)

    1. Thanks Beth. Lots of possibilities crossing over onto the cloth.
