
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Visitation by Plant Spirits

The Universe is stirring things up in my life today. An old friend that grew up down the road from us passed away at 53, making that the 4th loss of a friend or family member in the last couple of months. That in turn led to some in-depth and emotionally healing conversations with another friend that also grew up down the road. My Mom and I had just happened to have had a deep conversation this morning about the year my Dad completed suicide which lead to some profound revelations. Then the "Things I remember about growing up in New Milford, CT" 'group on Facebook popped up in my notifications and there were some very relevant posts and people I noticed there, bringing back a flood of memories.

It also has not gone unnoticed by me that my house is surrounded by copious numbers of the tall yellow flowering torches of the mullein plant and the Tribe of the Sun blog has this to say about the wisdom of mullein: "Spiritual Uses: Mullein is useful if you are battling evil spirita and energies. It is protective and increases mental clarity. This memeber of the snapdragon family can help open you up when life's battles have worn you down. Mullein works well with the throat chakra so if you are having trouble finding your voice, try allying yourself with this plant." Along with the mullein there is a sea of yellow blossoms from St John's Wort also surrounding the house. Here is an article that talks about the many uses of St John's Wort, not the least of which is the bringer of light into the dark areas of our lives.

So it is an emotional day but something is stirring and moving through my life. I have always found such movement to be healing. God knows I am ready to move to the next level so He is moving me, and it hurts a little. But that's OK, sometimes healing is like that.

 Multiple stalks of mullein flowers on one plant

 St John's Wort, Bringer of light into darkness

A Sea of St johns Wort and Mullein

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