
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Scrunch Dyeing with Procion Mx Dyes

I did some more scrunch dyeing yesterday on a skirt and I love the results. I presoaked the rayon, (cellulose fiber), skirt in soda ash a few days ago so it was dried out, then sprayed it with water to dampen it a little before I scrunched it.  The colors I used were Sage Green, Lapis, and Blue Gray (From Dharma Trading).  I mixed up dye concentrate using 2tsp dye powder to one cup chemical water (water and urea). I scrunched the skirt into the "brain" pattern and tied it with string. I applied the dyes colors in a diluted form, I think I diluted the concentrate about 1/2 and 1/2 with chemical water, I forgot to write down the exact dilution rate.

 Bits of linen and cotton that I soda soaked (soaked in soda ash solution) 
to use as dye samples for my dye book

Below is a rayon shell that I dyed with the same colors but with a much more diluted solution