
Friday, March 16, 2012

Signs and Omens, Feeling a Sense of Loss

We have been showing the house every weekend so on Friday's I have to pack up what ever project I am woking on and clean up my studio, which is hard to do when you are as engrossed in a project as I am in this gelatin printing. I have all these great ideas floating around in my head for things I want to try out but alas I need to tidy the studio and clean the house instead. It will be such a blessing when we are settled into a new home back in the country where we feel more comfortable.

The other day we were standing on a property that we really love in Westminster and I was asking for some sort of sign to let me know if it was the right property for us. Suddenly 2 huge Ravens started doing this romantic dance across the sky. They were flying in circles around us, playing and calling out. Rising and falling on the currents of the wind. Don and I really love this piece of property but there are a couple of issues we were concerned about. Last night we looked it back up on the realtors website and noticed it is under agreement. We are both trying to trust that we are being guided towards what is best for us and that perhaps that was not it, but still we are feeling a sense of loss and sadness today.

Here is my latest print, Signs and Omens. It represents our listening and watching as we ask God to guide us to the perfect new home for us.

Signs and Omens


  1. I know exactly how you feel, been there done that. Your studio is tidied up and that is ok, but still keep what ever you are doing out on a table. If I was looking for a place, it would be very nice to see art in the process. We have looked at property with studios before and I have really enjoyed looking at them. The rest of the place should be as tidy as possible. Someone soon will love it. Consider the Ravens as a sign that you must look further. You may never know why, but they must have been a sign. God will guide you to the perfect site. PS. Once when our house was being shown, I was in a mess in the kitchen making a 7 layer salad for a teacher's luncheon. It HAD to be done at that moment. The house sold to that couple that day. I also gave the new owner the recipe. You never know. Marcia Ferris

    1. Thanks for making me smile with such a great story Marcia!

  2. Just remember, Linda, that "under agreement" does NOT mean "SOLD." Keep your mind and heart open; God will show you the way. Love you. - Tinmouth Holly

  3. Oh, I hope you find the perfect place! Love the image of the ravens and you caught the spirit in your new piece.
