
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gelatin Monorints

I have been busy in the studio making monoprints on a gelatin plate and I am totally in love with the process. My first love in the world of creativity actualy was making monoprints but I found my silk art easier to market so I let it slip by the wayside. Yesterday I was totally immersed in the creative process and remembered why it is that I love making monoprints so much. The incredible spring weather and having the studio door wide open added to the perfection of the day. Here are some photos of the prints I pulled yesterday, really loving them.
Click on Images Below to Enlarge
Ascending the Web
Words of Wisdom

Forward Flight

Power of Prayer

Blocks of Time

Stillness of the Forest

Day's Warmth

Detail of "Words of Wisdom"
Detail of "Words of Wisdom"

Detail of "Words of Wisdom"
Wet monoprints hanging on the line to dry

We have also been taking some classes on Lion and iCloud at Brown Computer Solutions in Brattleboro, VT. Don and I have really enjoyed the classes and are looking forward to one on Pages later this year! Here is a photo Patrick took of the gang last night, Don and I are in the second row. 


  1. This is a wonderful printing process with so many possibilities. I recently taught a gelatin plat printing class with some young students and it's always a success - the magic of it. I love the print with the bird - a beautiful sponteneity in your work.

  2. Thanks Morgen, it is stunning to me the huge difference between creating the gelatin prints and creating my paintings on silk. The printmaking is so intuitive and you can be so much more prolific!!! Tons of fun!
