
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My Silk Painting Studio

Wasn't feeling well yesterday so I didn't make any new progress on my silk paintings but I did take a couple of photos of my studio and I will share those with you today.
My assortment of dyes and brushes and a double stainless steel sink

Another shot of the area around the sink where I keep my dyes, brushes and resists

Looking out the door towards the deck and hot tub with Bilbo Baggins (Billy) soaking up the sun on the floor

Half of my work table folds down in case I want to set up my easel and work with oils or acrylics or if I am doing very large work and need more floor room

My drawing table and stacks of sketchbooks and inspiration

Looking back towards the end of the studio where I keep my silk steamers and stretchers. Kind of hard to see in this photo

You can see my 2 silk steamers and two burner Garland in the background and my stretchers hang above them on the wall

Bilbo and Mia my trusty studio companions and sun soaker uppers ;~)

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