
Friday, February 19, 2010

Commission for 8 Large Silk Paintings

"Passage" Digital Painting

Fatigue is such a weighty thing, combined with the pain it paralyzes me as if bitten by some venomous creature. I have been trying to finish up a couple of projects in the studio and get my submission packets out to a couple of out of state juries. I took on a custom order that I very nearly turned down because the size of the silk pieces is larger than I can comfortably work with my back issues but it is such a unique and whimsical project that I ended up saying yes.          
The project is for a gentleman who’s agent proclaims on their website that he is a Kennedy Center Award winning filmmaker, director, stage magician & film consultant (He consulted on The Polar Express). The commission is a wacky, whimsical project to be used on stage. There will be 4 large cartoon like characters with bodies and no heads each character will be painted onto a 55” x 55” piece of silk. The magician will them hold up the silk and allow his head to be the head of the silk character. I am not sure what happens at that point (maybe he disappears ). Then there are 4 other pieces of silk 36” x 36” and those will just have words on them that will be used during the shows. So it is 8 pieces in all.

To prepare for this project I finished up the projects that were lingering in my studio, placed an order for the large silk blanks I will need, filled out and sent in the jury applications that were racing towards deadline, and took apart my silk screening table so I could set up the large silk stretchers I will need to do this custom order.


I have an appointment with my Lyme Doc in Ma next week and another appointment with my Dr up here so hopefully we can get this fatigue & pain tamed once again so I can start having some joyful moments & be more active again.

"Sun Window""

In my down moments I have found the creating art on the computer is a good way for me to express myself without adding to this terrible fatigue so I am posting photos of some of my digital paintings and manips.

"River Fall"

                                                                        "Infected" (Neuroborreliosis)

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